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Young Couple Allegedly Tried To Sell Baby For Six Pack Of Beer And Cash

A young couple in Arkansas has been accused of trying to sell their 2-month-old baby for a six-pack of beer and $1,000 by authorities, according to court documents.
Darien Urban, 21, and Shalene Ehlers, 20, have been accused of one count each of endangering the welfare of a minor and attempting to accept consideration for relinquishment of a minor by the Benton County Sheriff’s Office.
On September 21, the Benton County Sheriff’s Office got a tip-off from a caller that the parents of a two-month-old baby had approached them and tried to give up the baby in exchange for the beers and cash, the court documents state.
The parents also wrote a letter for the caller, named in the documents as Cody Martin, giving them custody of the baby.
The caller added that it seemed as though the infant was “in need of medical attention,” the court documents go on to state.
A deputy responded to the call and went to the Hide Away Campground, in Benton County, where the call had been made, and emergency medical services also came to the scene, and said they wanted to take the child to Children’s Hospital.
After further investigation, the deputy obtained a letter signed by Urban and Ehlers, which read: “I Darien Urban and Shalene Ehlers are signing our rights over to Cody Nathaniel Martin of our baby boy for $1,000 on 09/21/2024.”
It went on to say: “Disclaimer: After signing this there will be no changing yall two’s minds and to never contact again.”
A witness filmed the interaction between the Martin and Urban and Ehlers.
It was reported that another man, Ricky Crawford, had visited the camper residence of Urban and Ehlers and asked to look after the baby overnight in exchange for several cans of beer. The couple accepted and gave him a diaper bag.
Crawford then brought the baby to Martin at another camper residence in the ground, but the couple followed, as they shared later when questioned, and after meeting Martin, an agreement was created that they videotaped to ensure it was legal.
They added that they planned to “legalize” it on Monday.
Ehlers had reportedly said the couple wanted to give the child up for adoption because “it was not working having three dogs and a baby.”
They both stated it was then left on the understanding the baby was given to Martin in exchange for $1,000 to be collected on Monday.
It was also reported in the court documents that it was a frequent occurrence for Ehlers to go to another camper residence and ask for beer.
Crawford was also found in what appeared to be a “heavily intoxicated state” when questioned by the detective.
Another camper, who had seen the baby and changed its diaper, said that the child reportedly had “bad ammonia and fecal odor,” and that it had “heavy rash, blisters, and swelling on the baby’s buttocks and genitals.”
The camper also alleged the child had dog hair inside its diaper.
The court documents concluded: “Based on the totality of the investigation, it is believed both Urban and Ehlers created a substantial risk of death or serious physical injury by abandoning their minor child initially with an obviously intoxicated male and ultimately with someone they did not know.”
Urban and Ehlers were held on $50,000 bail in court, but according to Law & Crime, Urban appears to have since been released while Ehlers remains detained.
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